Category: Grocery Shopping

Lots of Groceries!

Maybe this is interesting, maybe not.  It definitely is a way to hold me more accountable.  This is our week of groceries for the week of 11 September–17 September 2023.  We don’t shop every week.  We usually get stuff every two or three weeks, so we only have fresh veggies & whatnot on certain weeks.  When I live closer to stores, I might be more inclined to shop more frequently.

This list is two separate trips to Walmart and a small order from Amazon.  Also, while I am doing an SOS free diet, this is groceries for the house and my roommate is trying to lose weight, but he is not doing a strict program like I am.  He’s just cutting back on processed foods.  That should work for him; he’s not too overweight.

I’m actually still trying to get used to buying for the way I’m eating.  I’m used to buying groceries once a month or so, but now we are buying more often.  Our old food was not fresh, so it’s an adjustment.  With so much only being eaten by myself, I really need to scale down and only buy one or two fresh veggies to enjoy until the next time.  There just aren’t enough people in the house to justify constant variety, unless I get more freezer space. Continue reading “Lots of Groceries!”