
My name is Brian and I currently live in Central Oklahoma.  Welcome to my blog.  This is my space to discuss both my health and lifestyle, as well as veganism in general.  While these are distinct topics, my veganism informs my health choices and so it has some overlap.

I have been vegan since 2016.  Prior to that, I was vegetarian for 10 years.  These were ideas that started in my life as a child and there were periods from childhood through college when I dabbled with eschewing animal products, but it was education that fully swayed me.  Veganism is an ethical lifestyle and should not be confused for a diet.

I have been eating a plant-forward diet my entire life, but I really didn’t take that seriously until about 2018.  I am currently eating a whole foods, plant based, (mostly) SOS-free diet.  I have really found a way of eating that I love and it has been working for my body as well.

I created this blog as a way of holding myself accountable for keeping healthy.  I am happy to hear from anyone who wants to give me some feedback, but this is entirely a page for me and what I’m figuring out on my journey through both health and through deeper understandings of veganism and how we exist in a world alongside non-human animals.

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